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Monday, August 5, 2024

End of Summer -- Again

 We had incredibly nice cottage weather this past week.  That was due to a strong Pacific typhoon coming over the mountains.  That gave us hot weather with a chance to sleep in the old tin shed.

No more Pacific weather.  The earlier 'super hot' days were from the Gulf air coming up.

All that looks done.  We are back to cold blobs coming down on Toronto.  At least the hurricanes stay away.  

For Europe, there is still African air.  However, it looks like the end of recreational swimming in the 'Typhoid Seine', as the cold blobs muscle their way in.  A little more, and that blob could give Spain a drop of rain.

All summer the world has been cold.  And in dramatic news, ha, the Pacific absolute sea level is still down, showing (to me) that we have entered a cold cycle.

All of this is from the 'physics side' and has nothing to do with the 'cool kids' side.  They are now all 'hot' on how clange is affecting ocean currents.  In their world, they are right, and I would never debate them on Fox.  


  1. Given up waiting for rain and have taken up water divining.

  2. I have some hope for the little Florida storm coming at you.

  3. No chance.. The underground, alien, vampire plesiosaurs with force fields that live in my borehole deflect all rain.
