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Monday, August 12, 2024

Canada's North Phoney Heat Wave

 This is funny.  The Pacific plumes are going north and hitting Northern Canada first and then coming down to Toronto to freeze us.  What is going on?  Is it climate change, or another semantics change in the definition of a heat wave?

Now, this was a heat wave.  I'm glad they are showing it.  A real heat wave has high heat energy.  That means the night temperature is just as important as the day.  If they are only going with daytime peak temperatures, then it is just a stagnant air (desert) thing.

This is our Toronto weather with no heat energy.  It is cold for us.  

This is the phoney map the warmies are using.  Shows the difference, but it is the same heat energy.  Up north, it gives a high daytime peak, and the same air in Toronto is cool.  All the leaves are falling, and all my apples just fell.

This shows the night minimums, which are more indicative of heat energy.  It's all the same.

But, who am I to argue with the experts?  

The Antarctic phoney heat has finally cracked.  This chart is 6 days behind the maps, so it is totally predictable.  In short, persistence involves heat energy, and temperatures alone are fleeting whisps.

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