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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Fusion Power -- Always 30 Years Away


Alright all you fusion people.  Let's look at the physics of the Sun, and see what's missing.  I've already done that, and that's quite a headache!  I don't want to do it again.  But, it served to outline the main surrounding physics of the process, and not just the atoms.

The fusioners are under the delusion that just a bit of heat and pressure, like diamonds, and you can have large-scale fusion energy.  Wrong.  There is the little problem that each fusion reaction is a bomb, and wants to blow everything apart.

So, you have a nice plasma, and Bang!  The nice geometry is gone.  How about heating little pellets?  This is just a bunch of explosions.  Can you scale that to a steam plant without vibrating everything to heck?  No, ask the Darlington nuclear people.

A commercial plant, or an airliner, needs everything smooth.  All components stressed at 10% of yield.  See how ships split in fatigue if you ignore that rule.  Look at Boeingle (oh, Bowinkle!).  Anyway, to test my hypothesis, we have to wait long enough for me to enjoy the Deep Sleep.  Have fun, everybody.

ps. I shouldn't have written this.  Fusion just goes on my list of Grand Stupidities, but it is way down on wasting money.


  1. Hoi Fishboy.... You been manipulating the weather again?

  2. That article is hilarious. I put a dash of salt on my little drone, and it froze the UK.
