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Monday, July 8, 2024

Enjoy the heat while you can

 The air remains stagnant over N. Am., but cold blobs are coming.  Remember this heat.

And the UK tabloids blare that a '22C heat bomb' is coming.

The world continues to be cold, and there is a desperate search for one-day heat waves.

This is official 'Look outside, it's cold!' day, and the world temps bisect last year's heat bubble, caused by the crazy Pacific heat event.

The tropics are on a boeings nose dive.  All heat has left the building.

However, we, in Toronto, have a short heat wave to enjoy, and I hope that the other people of the North have the same chance.  This is great for the tomatoes.

ps.  from now on, I shall ignore the groupthink, since they are getting desperate to hold their positions, and may start shooting.  I shall just report from the Feynman side.

If it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn't make any difference how beautiful your guess is, it doesn't matter how smart you are who made the guess, or what his name is … If it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong.

He misjudged the ability to stop all experiments, which the 'Big N's' are doing.  This side of the river is peaceful, intellectual, and consists of 3 people.

ps.  I have decided to call it 'Feynman Island'.  'Ze plane, Boss!"

ps.  this is our statue on the island - Feynman didn't look good, topless

ps.  OMG, it took forever to get the new header.

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