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Monday, May 13, 2024

The Ancient Faith

 I am calling it the 'Ancient Faith' (af) to save me from search engines and AI's.  There is no winning on saying anything about this.  I was immersed in this with the big party on the weekend.  It was an amazing experience, and they are all so intense.  They propel the world economy, and just look at the fate of all countries that kicked them out.

We had a very long service for the 'coming of age' for our grand niece.  For the af, this is at 13 years old.  She was surrounded by a ton of teenies, and I was amazed by several hours of no phones at all.  We don't do them any favours by allowing all that screen time.

The service took a year of preparation for her.  She sang the verses in a beautiful voice, and that is so good to put in music and singing for the prep work.  The party was better than most weddings I've been to.  All my relatives were there, and I felt that I didn't know all the grand nieces and nephews.  It's somewhat sad that I'll shuffle off the mortal coil, and they'll go 'whatever'.  

It's good to have huge family get-togethers once in a blue moon.  It was tough to travel, and I wanted to just stay home, but it's also my 70th birthday, and I was dragged there.  Even the dog came along.

These young people are an amazing generation, but at the dinner, they just talk about TS and the concerts that they all want to go to, but can't.  The ratio must be one in ten thousand for teenies to get there.  I wish they were interested in physics, but I have hope for my grandson.  My son said he listened to a pod cast about it getting colder, but it sounded like a new influencer thing (AMOC), with no physics. Sad.  Still, it's good to know there is a generation of new influencers about the cold.

ps the intellectual intensity (for the economy) was like California.  In the east, it is all af, and California, it is everyone else.  There is no creative intensity in the rest of the world.  They just live off these two poles.  Oh, and I ran into a trumpy hater in the boonies, who didn't like how i opened a door.  I had to look at him to see if he would pull a gun, and he just gave me dead fish eyes.  These people are death.

ps.  and I am so happy we have 'Influencers of Cold'.  They are going on about the Gulf Stream, which I have been pointing out since 2016.  That's when it really died.  

ps.  Yeah, my cryptic posts are shedding all the AI's.  My numbers are going down to nothing.

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