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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Nuclear waste -- take the money


Take the money.  This has as much chance as a nuclear plant on Lake Erie, which was once proposed.  You farmers are on the worst rock in the world.  You will never get another chance to run away with a few billion dollars.  

I am totally for this project, because it will provide endless amusement.  The same people were in charge of the Niagara Tunnel to Nowhere, and the famous Ottawa LRT.  You will simply see them attempt to sink a shaft, and then you can watch them run away.  This will be all the same effort as the attempt just up the road.  

You've got to compete with those Ignace people, who have the same quality of geology, but granite.  Put them down, and go for the gold!

ps - and in other news of a certain ridiculousness, we have brand new bankrupt shopping malls, turning into condos that nobody wants.  What's after the condos?

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