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Saturday, March 30, 2024

State of the oceans - March 30, 2024

 The ocean current map has changed it's format to be less dramatic for me to use.  Probably, some pressure.  They are now updating every two days, and five days late.  Another one of my geophysics sources falls by the wayside.

The Gulf Stream has completely turned at Svarly.  This is why that little upper patch is freezing.

The Pacific is unbelievably turbulent.  The energies would be amazing if anybody bothered.

The Pacific belt is now very cold, but it is too soon to declare La Ninny.  That would be too impolitic, and might actually raise questions.  They have to wait until June.

The tropical heating event is over, and the world temps are diving.  

ps. I found this 'hack' for cleaning the alzi-dust-bunnies from your brain.  -- Get the 'things' movie that won the oscars in full 4k, for the giant screen in the basement.  Invite friends and  break out the good Scotch.  Count how many OMG's ring out.  The Scotch is to gloss over the plot holes.  Go to bed after with a huge dose of Cannabis oil, to knock your brain down.  Wake up in the morning with the clearest head you ever had.  I never did it.

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