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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Arctic spills finally show up

 Late for the party, not 50 below any more.  This is the same mechanism as the January spill.  However, we got hit by a giant heat dump of the last heating event.  That was a 'super plume' that went around the whole earth.  Now, we are back in business.

Look at that beauty coming down.  However, this late in the season, it has the normal sun heat to contend with, so there is no clue how deep it will go.  It will, at least, hit Toronto.

Maybe just a balmy 30 below.

This is a fully backed-up spill with all the ducks in a row.

ps.  the Arctic temp is still diving

pps. looking at the other charts, we have a really weird situation of the tropics going hot, and not spreading the heat.  

more:  lock your doors, we have a red alert for doom

even more:  katyart showing wax, which is my model for the Arctic spills

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