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Monday, February 12, 2024

Powerful El Nino will soon fade to produce freezing La Nina


I got an inspiration from someone to make a living as a writer.  For that, I have to pander to the unwashed masses.  I have decided to push the 'point' that carbon will bring out a giant La Nina, collapse the Gulf Stream and bring us an ice age.  This is a brilliant idea!  

Not one person in the entire world will ask "How exactly is that going to happen?"  Nobody asks anything.  Just wait for future updates.

Windmills and solar cells will be covered in ice, so I have to think of something else that gives me lots of money and doesn't work.  I'm thinking of fusion in pickle jars.  But, that's for another day.

ps.  I found a great image to use for my campaign.

Think of the money!

pps.  new doomer story

and my art

Carbon caused this, but now we don't have to worry about heating.

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