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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

My new novel of Scientific Method over Influencers

 I can now do this with Gemini Advanced and dream how the Scientific Method comes back again, in world dominated by magic posing as science.


A world where magic is commonplace and accepted as the normal way the world functions. Magic's origins are shrouded in myth, its workings seemingly inexplicable.

However, there exists a reclusive society, often ridiculed, who believe in an underlying order for even the most fantastical – an order discoverable through investigation and observation.


Lyra: A young, disenchanted apprentice from a lineage of powerful mages. She's grown frustrated with the rote memorization of spells and the unsatisfying, mystical explanations for how magic works. She secretly yearns for a more systematic approach.

Catalyst: Lyra witnesses an obscure magical phenomenon no master mage can explain. Her inquiries are dismissed as folly. This becomes a turning point, pushing her to pursue her own unorthodox path.


Lyra's 'heresy': Her scientific investigations into magic bring her into conflict with the magical establishment. They see her actions as undermining tradition and potentially destabilizing the established order. Lyra finds herself ostracized.

The Skeptics: Lyra connects with the marginalized society of skeptics, finding like-minded individuals who value the pursuit of objective truths. This society becomes her support system.

Rising Action:

Deconstructing Magic: Lyra rigorously employs experimentation and documentation. She starts with small spells, carefully observing, measuring, and trying to identify repeatable patterns.

Initial Successes, New Enemies: Her approach slowly yields fruit. She makes small breakthroughs, predicting magical outcomes, sometimes replicating the effects without traditional incantations. This gains her grudging recognition from the skeptics but makes her a threat to those in power.

Expanding Scope: Lyra expands her analysis to more complex magic, attracting apprentices disillusioned like her, further escalating the conflict with those who uphold tradition.


Major Discovery: Lyra uncovers a fundamental principle or pattern underlying a significant area of magic. This throws the magical world into confusion – is magic predictable, even controllable by those without inherent "talent"?

The Choice: Authorities offer Lyra a choice—recant and continue her research within their control, or be silenced as a subversive threat.

NEATO!  I can have it write the novel, but the naked plot summary is good enough.  Wow, I might just give up on my reading subscription, which will just have all AI novels anyway.

And here is my book cover

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