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Thursday, December 21, 2023

The physics of electric cars


If there is one thing we know about leftwingers is that they wouldn't know physics if it hit them on the head.  Physics is a threat to their fantasy, but sooner or later the physics chickens come home to roost.

This plan is to take all the energy that comes down to Toronto in pipes and replace it with electrons travelling down copper wires.

Energy transport is the main physics here, and total energy required to keep things moving.  You can go to zero energy, if everybody just stands around and freezes to death.

Nuclear power plants are measured in megawatts, windmills and solar in kilowatts. Fuel is picowatts.  Bit of difference there. (sorry, joules) (and peta, not pica) (stupid metric units -- it's a big diff.)

We can't replace existing nuclear with windmills, and windmill farms are getting shut down for killing endangered bats and eagles.  And something weird happens with the wind if you plaster every square inch with windmills, the wind just lifts.

Solar cells are mass killers of desert life, or they replace food production.  

But, the big thing is energy transport.  Electrons require huge transmission lines, unless you want a nuclear reactor in everybody's backyard.  I used to be involved in the construction of these things, and you don't want more of them.

So, you can't replace the pipes with copper.  Now, leftwingers won't listen to physics, because if they did, we would know all about clear air convection which makes the 'greenhouse effect' impossible.  Then we could go on to methanol fuel cells with graphene super-capacitors.  But, we have a lot of fantasy before that.

ps.  I just had a dream that the old company was getting rid of all its weasels so it could actually build something... Ha Ha!

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