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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Late night report

 I am way past my old-man bedtime because the family from California is landing on the red-eye.  God, I take 2 pre-snoozes to survive this.

This shows a true Texas-buster coming down.  However, it is not 50 below yet, like last time.  This just might be a warning of things to come, with a bit of snow for them.  In another month, we'll have -60 at the top.

This is becoming a full channel flow, but it's early in the season.  I'm writing now, because we'll see the news in the morning.  Lots of air is backing it up, so it is a high-energy event, perhaps an M6 if we could actually put some physics on these things.

I doubt this event will nudge the natgas prices.  Next one, maybe.

ps. the plane is getting later and later, as it fights its way through that spill.  They thought they had the wind behind them -- ha!

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