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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Cold blob washes out



Greenland is incredibly white, but the rest of the Arctic has lost its cold fizz.  When it is black again, we'll see what happens.  

ps. one thing we need more physics for, is 'dry air heat energy', which would be like mimic, only for dry air.  As well, we need charts for the cold air, as in 'negative precipitation-causing air'.  I suspect that the big clockwise cyclones are warm dry air generators, and also the cold-driven cyclones.  That might explain the Arctic resting phase.  Until we get more physics, we can only go on our knees and submit to the 'Will of El Nino'.  And lots of philosophical discussions 'Does El Nino exist, if there are no photographs?'  Sort of like the Loch Ness Monster.

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