Background Site

Monday, October 16, 2023

Ragged cold blobs are back


The narrow Arctic spills are being spread by cyclonic action.  We can see here the cold blob descending all the way to Texas, and beyond.

The warm plume to Europe has been fought off by the cold blob.  Maybe Spain gets the benefit.

The very weird surface air chart is settling back, after we had the effects of 'The Great Red Spot'.  I find this chart weird because it should not have a northern hemi seasonal signature.

ps.  although I thought nooa had given up on El Nino, they are just shoving it back month by month, now it is November.


  1. Winter has been delayed until Thursday, so I've got 2 days of calm weather to create some global warming with my fresh fire licence! Got 4 drops of water this morning which wasn't enough to wet the dog, but it seems to have cheered the mushrooms up. Currently trying to get a drone flight permit to fly a drone on my own land... There are just way too many civil (public) servants and I appear to be at the wrong end of administrative feudalism or green fascism as I call it.

  2. I hope you don't go through as many drones as I have. On this side of the pond, the new super-light drones don't need a licence.
