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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Fickle Finger of Frost comes closer to us


We (Toronto) now have our own permanent cyclone.  These are all over the north this autumn, and are a new phenomenon.  They have the mechanics of an ice cream maker, with the cold coming down in jets, and mixing everything up.

Right now, the cold side is in Manitoba, but a prong is coming right around, and has a chance to hit Toronto.  This is amazing physics in action.  If we get hit, there will be plenty of people telling us it's the Polar Vortex Fairies, or the Dancing Jet Stream.  Both explanations can only be after the fact, and are not physics.

ps.  this is a great mechanism for our heavy snowstorm in October.  We are now on for heavy winter October to May.  I don't even think the May long weekend will be frost-safe.  And the UK continues to have Labrador weather, without the Gulf Stream.  They are on their way for the big Freezing of the Thames (if it were still a swamp).

(from their Met office).  I'm surprise they didn't mention this was caused by the Dancing Jet Stream.  

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