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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Cold-fed cyclone parks over Toronto


When I saw that the Arctic spills would come over us, I never imagined the concept of the permanent cold cyclone.  These things just stay in one place, taking the cold streams and mixing with the ambient warmer temperatures.  They have been deflecting the cold spills away from the population.  Until now.

We get a cyclone pouring the cold air on us.  Blah.  These cyclones manufacture dry air, and inject it up to 20,000 ft.  That's fooling the satellite sensors, which are registering a spike.  It should all collapse soon, then Toronto will get a direct spill...

ps.  you can see that streak of white, giving some people early snow.

pps - that 'white streak of frozen-ness' could take out any one of us.  I'm going out now to take down my shade cloth on the pergola.  If that catches heavy snow, it's game over for that thing.

more -- phew, took that stuff down.  Safe from the 'White Spear of Destiny'

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