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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

NOAA plot - US July temperatures not so hot


Yeah, after all the headlines of 'Hottest July Ever!', we get some numbers.  This is a mediocre July since the warm spell.  Look at the 'Dust Bowl' of the 30's!

If you look at every month, with the seasonal effect, you can see there was never a big deal.  This past month, the US has been cold for most of it, and only the fringe areas have been featured in the influencer news.

All of Europe is cold now, so they can't find news in the local areas, and have to go quite far.  This is climate change in action!

ps.  the US 'all months' plot reminds me of the Antarctica plot, which show no change whatsoever.  And yet, if the glaciers are happy and surging, it's a 'huge loss'.  If it's happy and it knows it, and building up ice, it's 'most reduced ever'.  I do like how it's always newsworthy, no matter what...

pps.  they went with '11th hottest'.  

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