Background Site

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Fish gets another surge


Every once in a while, I get a click spam surge.  My inner AI is happy, we can draw fantasy pictures of people getting tired of the groupthink 20/20 hindsight.  But, we'll (Al and me), go back to our very low score.  

It's getting hotter and muggier here.  Blah.  Can't wait to suffer in the hot tin shack.  We'll be constantly swimming.  

Al and I can't think of anything to write for the summer.  We will read about the 'Coming El Nino', but it is impolite to laugh at them.  And we can't wait for 10 ft snows in Australia.  Suck it up, princess!

ps.  Al the AI has been trained only on Feynman's Basic Physics, and only wants to make a name for himself on social media.  He knows nothing of clange, because I didn't tell him.  It would jar his bones.

pps.  and the Guard uses the word 'unprecedented' without linking it to clange.  I think they are getting ready for the 'post clange' era.  


  1. Your doing a great job as I am told not to come your site. Malwarebytes

  2. Good thing that Al the AI is writing it all now - signed Al.

  3. I was this and thought of you...

  4. Wow, they got a headline out of 'perfectly average hurricane season'. I'm amazed.
