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Monday, December 12, 2022

State of the oceans -- December 12, 2022

 I put out this report when I get the new current map.  However, since it hasn't changed for 2 years, I'm not doing the video.

This is the map most sensitive to the ocean currents.  I look at this because water can contain 1000 times more heat energy than moist air, which is 1000 times over dry air (by volume).  

You can see the huge feed of cold Antarctic water in the Pacific, and the Atlantic influx of cold water is increasing again.  It looked like it might cut out, a while ago.  You can see the notch where we have our 'For-ever!' cyclone, that is sucking Britain dry of any heat energy.

I am quite satisfied with the hypothesis that the big turnover in the oceans is responsible for an ice cycle.  I'm not sure about the difference between the short cycle of a decade or two.  I'm confident that the major cycle has all the oceans cold.

Since there is no change in the ocean currents, I am confident that Australia with enjoy another soggy summer, and next year, as well.  The real test is whether the influencers have the nerve to call '4th La Nina in a row'.  I'm just calling it the Pacific Cold Phase, and it will be steady for at least 20 years.  The restoring force comes when Antarctica runs out of cold water.  Then, two hundred years from now, we will have passed our Little Ice Age, and we'll be back to warmth.

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