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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

End of clipper season - back to full air glaciers


Clippers are sections of cold air that ride down a warm front from the Pacific Ocean (in N Am).  On the map, they come down at 45 degrees (from the NW), and have been our main source of cold air.  With the Pacific heat engine shut down, they are becoming as rare as hens teeth.  

In Europe, they ride down a heat plume from the Atlantic.  Oh, for those good old days!  At least a clipper brought warmth on the other side.  Now, I fear they are becoming extinct for the winter.  We just have huge cold air blobs, clobs, or air glaciers.

In a way, the air glacier has exactly the same physics mechanism as actual continental ice glaciers, of 10,000 years ago.  We are in an interglacial, which means that the land has been depressed enough to stop the ice sheets from forming.  Wait another few thousand years.  But the global heat flow mechanism is exactly the same.

We have a 300 to 600 year heat flow mechanism that reverses the Pacific current flow, so that the equatorial belt is fed with very cold Antarctic water.  This is happening now, but the exact mechanism is unknown because the Popular People won't do the required physics.  Should they touch the tiniest bit of physics, their fantasy bubble will burst.  And we wouldn't want that.  It is so much nicer to have fantasies of baking to death, while we actually freeze to death.

My 'go to' chart of ocean temperatures is flicking down again.  The Europes can do like garter snakes, oil up and gather in huge huge naked groups to survive the winter.  The fashion trend is for 'full headlights', but that is not good for winter. :)

Obviously, my sad seasonal forecast is for 'friggin' freezin'.  Having natgas is great, so I won't have to burn my tons of excess dog hair to keep warm.  See ya!

ps.  and in other news, the Kool Kids are increasing forecasts to 50 years.  That's wonderful technology.

pps.  I was just thinking that those climate modellers are using surplus bitcoin machines to extend the forecasts.  Meanwhile, La Guard is endorsing tomato arson, as I knew they would.

and in Toronto, the raccoons are seeking electrical warmth.

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