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Saturday, April 9, 2022

Swirls dominate the weather today


The skies are in a swirly mess today.  We are still waiting for that Pacific plume to hit high and bring us winter again.  It's taking its time.

A small tongue of cold air is lunging towards us.  And here are the surface winds.

This is just a beautiful video, You can loop it as your screen background on zoom.  The tips of the warm plumes are always a storm spinning counter-clockwise with convergent wind, as in the Atlantic.  The Pacific has a rare divergent storm caused by very cold air.  It is spinning clockwise.  Neat.

ps.  the Pacific plume is still low, but looking to break into a high sprint.  We'll have a nice spring if the plumes remain low.  We'll have a horrible blast of winter if that plume goes high.  Natgas will go ballistic.  Yeah, that's down to 50/50.  

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