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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Pacific plume fights cold air


Our final blast of winter depends on this plume in the middle.  It is trying hard to break through, but there is a big blob of cold air coming down.  I find it funny that if the plume fails, it's because the northern air is too cold, thus not giving us our Alberta clipper.  Irony.  We will have a steady spring without snow, if and when the plumes start a new pattern of flat plumes straight west.

That plume should break through and hit Alaska.  Then, all cold heck breaks out. 

ps.  it's cute how that plume is being stopped by intense air movement.

ps.  nooa has its article about March.  Now, it's  -- The average monthly temperature across the contiguous U.S. was 44.1 degrees F (2.6 degrees above the 20th-century average) and ranked in the warmest third of the 128-year climate record.

Neat, the month is so far down, they switched to 'warmest third', next it will be 'warmest half'.

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