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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Ocean current report -- March 24, 2024

 The currents are dated March 22.

We have the Atlantic belt as non-existent, which continues from last week.  When something this weird happens, you think it isn't real, but if it persists, then it's real.

The Pacific current is still strong, but all the heat is up against Central America, and that's disorganized.  The current is still bringing up cold water.

The sea temperatures show that the Atlantic is warmer than the Pacific, but everything is under attack from cold southern waters.

There is a little heat zone in the east Pacific, but it's not a full mechanism to bring up world temps.  We can expect world temps to be down again.  Noaa doesn't splash world temps any more.  There was a splash on Arctic ice as '10th lowest'.  Ha.  I have noticed that they don't go beyond 10.  That would be just too silly.  :)

ps.  if we don't want an ice age, we are looking for 'heat mechanisms' of unusual physics.  When these things show up, we have a bump in world temps.  I've seen the full length (2016), half length (2019), and quarters.  The Pacific is getting colder and colder, and has gone beyond the definition of 'La Nina'. Most likely, both ocean belts are going to get fed with Antarctic water, and this will be a major ice cycle, such as the Little Ice Age.  Thus the global temps become as defined as earthquakes, meaning we can look at energies.

The City of Toronto got 'overwhelmed' by snow this year, and they want to 'predict' future snow loads.  This can't happen with 'clange' which only describes things after the fact.  If the world believed in physics, then I would tell them we are back in the 70's, and it's time to build a new super-snow-melter, but make it electric -- Ha!

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