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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

New study brutalizes polar vortex fairies like the Russians


The Ukraine war might knock some of the weather fantasies out of the trees, or I am just exploiting my popularity with these hot words.  Nobody reads the warmie stuff.

But this article is brutal to Canadian weather people, who always bring out polar vortex fairies.

"I think everyone imagined that a pinball is shot up from the troposphere, hits the polar vortex, and breaks it apart," Davis said. "And then another pinball shoots back down and changes the weather. But this study shows that it's not so simple. I think it possible that the events in the troposphere and the stratosphere are feeding back on one another and reinforcing what's happening."

This is hilarious, considering the article brings out the whole polar vortex shebang in the background, which this guy shoots up better than a Stinger against a Russian bomber.

They didn't touch clange with the usual 'Don't kill us!' paragraph.  Researchers must finally be  growing some.

Note that they also brought out my favourite 'clairslide' picture for the Texas Cold Bomb.  We've gotten close about 3 times this winter, but Texas needs 20 below (0F) to shut down.

ps.  this is pure academic brutality, like Darwin letters.  The warmie phillies brought new brutality that ended careers, and starved the babies, or denied them college funds.  They were all working for Poots.

pps.  darn, people are catching on fast that this article was 'salted'

The salting of crushed core samples with gold constitutes the most elaborate fraud in the history of mining. In 1997, Bre-X collapsed and its shares became worthless in one of the biggest stock scandals in Canadian history, and the biggest mining scandal of all time.

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