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Monday, March 28, 2022

Nailing the fluttering butterfly

 It's a philosophical given that a fluttering butterfly can cause a giant storm, or climate change.  This is a gross extrapolation of chaos theory.  Or how you can never smack into a brick wall because you will only halve the distance, and keep on halving it forever.  People like me hit brick walls all the time.


This is on cbc.  I like the support, and I really want to know how long we can call things 'temporary'.  The problem with butterfly philosophy is that you can't measure the dang thing.  This puts it out of the realm of physics and the Scientific Method.  We need to nail that trouble-causing butterfly to the wall, and look at it.

The original carbon hypothesis was just a dream from nahsa.  Like their freon dream, they just threw it out there, and then it became politically important for funding.  The hypothesis was a thermal blanket, like a greenhouse, hence the hilarious concept of an insulating greenhouse with no glass.  There can be no 'greenhouse gases' in a highly convective atmosphere.  Sure, the idea came from Venus, but those are thick, smothering layers.  

The original hypothesis fails with evidence of declining temperatures, since the blankets only do one thing.  And every time there is a measurement against global warming, nahsa always comes up with a new explanation.  Einstein turns over in his grave.

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