Background Site

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Four Prancing Ponies of the Polar Apocalypse


Darn ponies, everybody is running out of heating natgas.  

A great linear.  The Pacific plumes are penetrating, and maybe we are seeing a break-up of the ice.

But right now, we are getting another 50 below approach, and the US will be running out of natgas.

ps.  natgas starts another zoom.  Might stay up this time.

more predictable than anything else.  They always seem to be totally surprised by the cold blobs.

pps.  I need to name the ponies for the 'My Little Freezing Ponies" collection.  I'll make a fortune.  Ok, there's Ice Wings, Hoar Frost, Silver Streak, and ... blah.

...Make Believe

more:  The pony Make Believe helps noaa out with their temp charts.

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