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Monday, February 21, 2022

Ocean current report -- Feb. 19, 2022

 With noaa refusing to do any more world temperatures, we must make do with the few remaining physics sites.

The Gulf Stream continues to look the same since it died in 2016.  There is no coherence past the middle of the ocean.  The Arctic current looks weak, but it's mostly under ice.

The Pacific is a mess, but with a few central sections.  These look promising as heat generators, but we look at the mimic.

There's nothing there.  I have found that if we wish to bump up the world temps, we need a hot zone, a sectional El Nino.  Nope.

If the Argo floats aren't telling us anything, then we have the ocean temps.  The warm zone over Norway continues to collapse, and bring us more ice.  However, the plumes are hitting Siberia, and they are having a winter heat wave.  We'll hear about it soon.

All the cold is hanging on our side of the fence.  We need to push it back.

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