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Saturday, February 5, 2022

Insurance Bureau of Canada allows trucks to roll over people

 We've got the Russians out of the picture.  They are not funding the tanks shooting air guns as sonic weapons.  Now the truckers are really mad, and the rexxies are egging them on.  It's still not a good picture.  If the little guy stands in front of the trucks, they might not stop.

All of this is now funded by your local insurance companies, who turn a blind eye to how the trucks are used.  Just like my life insurance doesn't allow hang gliding, they'll let the truckers commit any illegal act, even though they have provisions.  Commercial trucks are to be used only for shipping in an approved manor on approved roads.  No off-roading.

This is where the 'Stupidity Defence' comes in.  They can say they had 'no idea'.  But the solution is easy.  Insurance should flood the places with insurance investigators.  All the insurance should be published, and the stockholders can take action.  The local people can sue the companies.  

Anyway, look to more trucks being used as tanks.  We had a bit of rationality from fundme, and I am grateful for that.  I'll leave this topic now.

ps.  I give no hope for this to happen.  This is Canadian old-boy management at its finest.  They sell off all the risk to the Clueless Swiss, and have borisparties in a cloud of blissful ignorance. 

pps.  their next ad campaign

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