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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

No hope for Europe on the gas front this year


It looks like Russia is tapped out, and can't live on spikes in the daily price.  They need long-term contracts and who's stupid enough to do that?  "Oh, Mr. Pootine, please honour the contract."

Europe has been warm the last little bit and the price of natgas has followed bittycoin.  However, the giant clairslide hitting UK looks to go right through and chill Europe, and then the price will spike again.

If the euries gave up their dream of a tropical winter, then they could do stuff for the long term.  They're like those ships frozen in the ice, who listened to the gretas.  

ps. if the euries could get the warmie sparkles out of their eyes, then they could make more natgas storage.  Instead, natgas is the enemy, and they think they can keep from freezing with solar cells.

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