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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

New nuclear to cost 12 times old nuclear

 That's per watt of output.


Should be 1 billion, now put up to 4 billion, but I predict 10 billion.  Yeah, 24 times the cost.  I'm proud of my work on old nuclear.  The big problem is that it is all 'new engineering' like the failed Maple reactors.  Nuclear plants scale up badly, look at the water hammer at Darlington.  

And they're placing it in the middle of nowhere, that doesn't need the power.  That's so they can avoid people who glue their faces to the road.  The left is all over the map on this.

I like the part 'molten salt is safer than water'.  Ha!  

ps.  I don't mind 'new engineering', but it generally comes without physics, and costs a lot.

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