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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Sea level confirms world temperatures going up again


Everybody should be happy, we are rising again.

That's the magnification since 2016.  I find that the sea level at this point has always been right in following the world temperatures.  It's simple water expansion.  

We have Spencer and sea level so far.  Soon, we'll have noaa and rss.  This is such a strong signal, and the eastern Pacific is so intense, that I predict it will be across the board.  The warmies will gloss over the dips, and the sunspotters will ignore the rises.  Such fun.

The eastern Pacific does not generate warm air plumes, so we'll be cold until the fall, and may get a milder winter.  On other hand, we must watch the growth of the Great Heat Engine, since it could fail.  

ps.  I 'predict' that the linked vortexes of the heat engine will grow to half-way and then collapse.  This is a Halvsie El Nino, and it did a lot last time, almost as powerful as a full Pacific reversal.  Of course, the weather people will never acknowledge things like forces and energy.  

pps. the Arctic ice is still following the average, despite the headlines.  The last halvsie El Nino shoved a lot of water the ice.

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