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Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Great Organic Foods Lie


I got into a tussle with the fanatics on CBC about roundup.  They are all in a big hottieness about using it to dry grain crops on the stalk.  You spray rup on the wheat, whatever, before you harvest.  Then it dries like cow-corn.  None of it ever gets into the wheat kernels, and it breaks down immediately.  They go on about how the Euro report calls it cancer-causing, but the report apparently doesn't say that.  Who's going to read an 1100 page report?

So, the euries use something 10 times more deadly, because you can trip over a deposit while walking over some rock.  Amazing, it's 'organic'.  And it is used for organic wine, which makes as much sense as organic sugar.  Organic Deathcap mushrooms.  So much fun.

Anyway, talking to fanatics can be fun, but don't expect anything.  They rule the world.  So, have some organic ethanol and rot your liver.  It's healthy!  I need a sip of my organic Scotch.  

There is no clean organic supply of nitrogen for the soil, not in sufficient amounts to feed the world.  My garden is 'kind-of organic' and I use a lot of my own compost.  That's what gives it the great flavour.  But, I just got my water bill for the garden.  I estimate that anything from it costs 5 times what I could buy at the farmer's market.  Yeah!

ps.  Hold it!  I change the title.  It's not a lie, it's a philosophical truth.

pps.  wow, rup is like crystal spring water compared to the cyanide of copper.  Yet, all the wackies would rather drink the copper coolaid.  Neat.

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