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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Dinosaur meteor myth laid to rest


Yeah, I am vindicated!  I wrote about this forever.  With plate tectonics, when the plates are schmooshed together we get warmth and large reptiles.  When they care apart we get large mammals.  It's all to do with how they handle heat.

It's funny that many articles on this say 'climate change killed the dinos', but this climate change was global cooling.  Such a meaningless term.

So, continent jammed together bake the deep crust, and release water and co2.  The water is the main agent.  The ocean currents don't do anything.  Continents apart mean cooling by ocean currents.  

But I expect the meteor myth will go on forever because it's so cute.

ps, the dino-myth was one of the first of the 'new science', which is really philosophy.  They discovered meteor remnants, and then right away to an 'explanation' or 'just so' stories.  Then they looked hard and found evidence to support the claim.  

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