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Friday, June 4, 2021

Toronto housing levels a bit


This chart is just too spiky to have any sense.  Anyway, all the old people in the neighbourhood are deciding to sell.  These are all 90 year olds that have been maintaining their houses all by themselves.  It's been rather sad watching them do it.

They held on for covid, and now must have places to stay at.  A standard condo out in the western suburbs seems to be a thing.  

We must wait for the crash.  I have noticed that everything is in short supply, and stores are just out of things rather being accused of price-gouging.  This is inflation, since once everything has worked through, they have to raise prices.  

We are going to have a big covid economic party.  All prices are going to rise.  Finally, the gov't is going to see this and raise interest rates.  We know what happens then.

However, I have been generally wrong on the whole Toronto housing thing.  When our condos are more expensive than downtown London, we have a problem.  I have to assume that we are better at operating a coin laundry than the Brits.  But, physics always wins out in the end.

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