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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Only so much shit to shovel

 Yeah, I actually used that word.  Normally, I use a substitute, but this really deserved it.


Yeah, but the greenies ask "Why can't everybody do that?"  Because it doesn't scale!

It's like Tesla's Chinese Blood Lithium.  Not enough to go around.  Right now, the natural gas is a waste product, like sawdust.  But, a big demand will suddenly make the supply go to zero.  It's like the wonderful myth of organic farming.  There are no natural sources of nitrogen!

There's manure, but that's a waste product of horrible meat production.  Let's kill all the meat production and go organic!  Ha!  And all that good California shit could be turned into compost.  It is very difficult to turn anaerobic digester effluent into anything good.  The making of compost is aerobic, excess oxygen.  Totally different.  Digesters are also very stinky.  Good luck with that.

This is about all the climate news I could dig up.  All stupid.  I'm waiting for the next NOAA temperature report.  They must please their masters, so the PR blurb is always amazing.  Instead of gold from lead, they make warmth from cold.  With the last one, they were forced to blare out '10th warmest April ever!'  The April before was the 9th, and the next will be the 11th.  After 10, the headline loses the effect.  People may begin to wonder.

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