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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Origin of the Species

 I write these to untangle thoughts in my head.  I have no desire to convince anybody.  However, I like to think these are contemporary diaries that might be big 100 years from now, when people are in the next warm cycle.

So, this is about Darwin and the scientific 'scene' in those days.  I read all that, and I have read the first geology papers, and it was all tied together.  In those days, there was Physical Science, like electricity, and Philosophical Science, like geology.  And of course, medical science.  Physical science was all the things that could kill you, and philosophical science was all great debate.  Darwin fell into the debate area, since he was making a hypothesis from observations, and no experiments.  There was nothing more vicious than those debates.

Now, I was talking to a true philosopher, who is a professor of the ancient Greek philosophers.  Unlike our recent batch, this person is academic with no desire to control the world.  I was explaining the evolution of covid, following Darwin, and physics.  The physics gives the precise mechanism of evolution.  I was using this story as an explanation.

This is the story of covid.  Names have been changed - yada yada.

For years, the people of the Indian ocean have been eating fruit bats, keeping them in cages, etc.  I saw this on the Seychelles.  Of course, it could be any wild animal anywhere.  I'll go with fruit bats because I saw them.  People would catch fruit bats and keep them under the usual horrible conditions, sell them, butcher them, etc.  

The bat would cough into the face of the handler, as revenge.  The handler would take one million viruses into his eyes (maybe 2 million, come on!).  For years, the human would suck in the particles and nothing would happen.  He would then cough out 2 viruses at the bats.  That's a filter process that yields the strongest little suckers that survive humans.  These things go into a fresh batch of bats.

These are very successful and the bats then cough back a million viruses at the stupid human, all derived from the surviving 2.  This goes on and on.  Eventually, the human starts to cough back a million viruses and gets sick.  Nobody gives a damn about a sick bat-man.  

Until a Chinese visitor comes.  Those guys visit everywhere, especially the deep holes of bat-dom.  They want to conquer Africa, and all the places we, the West, don't care about.  If a horrible disease starts in the Indian Ocean, the Chinese will pick it up.

Now, the bat-men don't have the social contacts of the Chinese.  When the Chinese get home, they have parties in huge restaurants and they are smart enough to type the disease.  Thus, began Covid-19.  They can shut off whole cities and kill off anybody who doesn't wear a mask, or refuses to take their shitty vaccine.

The rest of the world wasn't so lucky.

A precise knowledge of the origin of the disease tells us it did not start from a pure single virus.  It had a full range of variations.  With the Chinese, a certain variation was dominant, and the others just went along with the party.  Everybody stopped at the first classification.

Zoom to now, with idiot doctors.  They make everybody wear masks, but the disease was always through the eyes.  So, we have variations dominant that don't give a hoot about masks.  How about double masks?

Now we have a feeble vaccination effort.  Soon, the 20% vaccinated will like the bat-men, and the rest of the people are fruit bats.  It will start all over again, but with an evolution to get through the vaccine.  Yeah for Darwin!  It's all math and physics.

**note for philosophical purists.  None of this is true, because nobody investigates it.  Please be so good as to dismiss it.

** the term 'idiot doctors' is meaningless, since I think everybody is an idiot.  :)

**I will always use the 'satire' defense, or the standard 'stupidity defense'

** for evolution to work, there always needs to be a new batch of bats or unvaccinated humans, because of resistance.  That's why a slaughterhouse works, but we would have to eat the idiots, who taste bad.

**I realize the young people don't read anything.  OMG I was castigated by the sweet young thing for including her in the census.  No concept at all.

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