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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Arctic air getting squeezed, blob coming down on us


This is like massaging a fat guy.  Punch in one area and another blobs out.  

The weak ocean plumes are going up one way, and a blob comes down another.  However, the Arctic ice volume is still going up, and has crossed another line.  Also, we can continue to make fun of Icelandic UK.

And while we were working in the garden yesterday, someone reminded us that last May it hit -7, but I don't remember.  :)


  1. Hubby did a bunch of garden work too
    I worked on taxes..did laundry and cleaned - oh, yeah :(
    Planted onions- garlic is doing excellent
    one row tarped for future use
    we grow lettuce and herbs in pots- they are on our porch
    this week is looking cooler, but, should be okay for all we've got going on
