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Monday, November 23, 2020

Covid -- Masks useless after an hour


Yeah, I wasn't going to touch this with a 10 foot pole.  But the kids inspired me when they drove to Hamilton to have a nice restaurant dinner, while Toronto is going into a lockdown.

They ask all the right questions, but nobody is going to answer, since it involves physics and nobody is left alive to address the issue.

ps.  in 2 weeks we'll get a Thanksgiving-type surge because everybody went into panic mode before the Toronto shut-down.  I'm pretty sure that had we gone to protective glasses instead of masks, we would cut it 90%, but that's just me, ignore it.  


  1. Hey Geofish:

    the science was never there for the masks-
    I think you prefer real science to perceptual gymnastics- like "global warming"

    I suspect your right that goggles or glasses would be more effective- but they just aren't as psychologically challenging- don't deliver the same type of scare that masks do.

    And another lock down....??? What's the definition of insanity?

    John Tory and Rob Ford are as insane as they come

  2. Insane, relative to what? Have you been watching the Crown? That's some serious crazy.

    In the old company, all the power-weasels were insane for power. when we stopped building they zoomed to the top.

  3. "Insane, relative to what? Have you been watching the Crown? That's some serious crazy."

    The crown (the royals, I suspect?) has always been crazy- I mean, they are as out of touch with reality as one would expect that lot could be.

    Prince Charles has always been daft.
