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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Covid here, covid there, covid everywhere

 Nail down that physics, because the 'pure medical' approach is hopeless.  



We need the physics of the half-life of particles, versus their float time.  If it floats like dust then it is still 10 times more likely to get into the eyes than up the hairy, sticky nose.  I suspect that floating particles have a half-life of a minute or so.  They won't find the eyes.  Large particles that are shot around in trump parties and anti-maskers probably have a half-life of hours.

This is important for the design of eye protection.  But it will never happen.  Getting the power-people to admit they were wrong, is like getting trump to say he lost.  Blah.

So, in summary.  No vaccine because the dang thing is mutating a mile a minute.  Put down your pet mink!  Masks are useless, get eye protection, right now that's a full face shield.  One day it just might be safety glasses, but physics needs to be done.  la la la

“99 percent isn’t 100 percent. If there is a mutation that accounts for just one percent of the population, and you suppress or eradicate the majority, you can drive up some trait of that one percent, whether it’s virulence or transmissibility, and then it’s a different ballgame.”

That quote also goes for masks.

ps.  if all the doctors are poofing about floating particles, then the masks aren't stopping them from being generated.  N95 gives us 5% out.  

pps.  next time, in order to preserve power, they'll say full triple mask with a plastic bag, and full face shield, black.  You won't be able to breath or see, but they'll keep their power.

ps.  I could be wrong, but I wonder how they are handling mink mutations.  The numbers don't seem right.


  1. Would you take this vaccine as is.

  2. No, since I have had it, maybe. The problem is that they only use one virus carrier that they can grow. Then you can't take it again for a different strain. So, I'll wait for the next mutation.

    Flu is different because they can grow the strain in chicken eggs. There won't be a fight in your body.

  3. Can you explain this a little further. There is info all over the place on this and everything else. If I who has not been sick in the last year, should I be able to take it. Honestly I won't take it but I could see myself being forced to take it.

  4. The World Stupidity index is through the roof. At the least, I suspect that you will be forced to take it for travel. Show your yellow vaccine card! If you haven't been sick, then you should take it, it won't turn your teeth yellow. However, by the time they get to everybody, a new variant will turn up. As the guy said, even at 99%, the remainder variants will spread like wildfire. Knock one mole down, the next pops up. :)
    There might be a vaccine for all variants. I would take that.
