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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Arctic ignores California politics


We love this.  What is real reason for California fires?

After years of partial El Ninos, and beetles, the burn inventory has gone through the roof.  And everybody has to have illegal covid parties in the middle of the woods.  And finally we have our old California drought pattern, which usually means 7 years of drought.

The Arctic ice is coming for us!  That's the temp right above, and the tropical plumes above that.  Look at my backrounder to the right.

All the justifications that we are getting warmer come from the old stuff.  It's cute.  Too bad those extreme right people are so dumb.

ps. darn cold at the cottage.  Cold air is coming down and fueling the hurricane.  blah.

pps.  anybody who questions the carbon hypothesis is now branded a "Climate Assassin"  mass killer of babies.  I'm hiding for now.


  1. I couldn't believe the chill last night!
    4 Celsius in the summer (late summer, but, still, come on!)
    yup, night time low, just 4 C or 39.7 F
    I'm wondering if that's a record low?
    Doubtful, but, possible.

  2. ps: I looked back at my blog reports last time we had a la nina
    it was freezing cold. brutal.
    We had some high home heating bills- not looking forward to this!
