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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Zoom Physics -- Evolution -- War of Molecules - Part 1

OMG, I am the world's worst video presenter.  No wonder all the influencers of the world can produce crap, they do it so well.

I think that anybody, who knows physics, is doomed to be a nerd, and to have no people skills whatsoever.  I hope that the few people who see this can commiserate.  Really, if you are a kardie or trumpie you can destroy the world and get rich.  I'm so envious. 

I can have an open Zoom meeting with chat questions.  It would be neat.


  1. Hi Harold
    haven't watched yet, but, would like to assure you it's highly doubtful you are the worse video presenter- I liked all the other videos! So they couldn't have been that bad!
    will be watching later today

  2. Okay, couldn't help myself
    I WATCHED it and I liked it
    I had to look up cyanobacteria and Stromatolites
    Will watch again, and am interested in where this is going!

  3. OMG, thank you. I was worried it was a bomb. Also, I have to think how I am going on this. I've got great insights now.
