Background Site

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Ocean currents - April 10, 2020

This is the Apr 10 map of ocean currents.  The Arctic current has stopped.  The Halfsie El Nino (hen) is shadow of its former self.  You can still see the residual of the 'triple layer cake' that gave us flu weather this winter. 

Basically, we have the main flow going east to west.  This is the usual flow 90% of the time.  On top of that we have the residual reversal, and then a very unusual east to west flow again on top.  This flow is not carrying any heat energy any more, and you can see that with the ocean temperatures and tropical plumes.

The tropical plumes are now going straight up and bringing the cold air down on us.  I had a tomato disaster with my outside cold frame.  All seedlings dead.  Blah.

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