Background Site

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Used nuclear fuel bundles slated for Teeswater.

Yeah, Teeswater, a stones-throw from the Bruce plant and still on the hanging wall of the Grenville Front. 

Lots of news on this today.

The only way to check for long-term rock stability is to do a seismic reflection survey.  I've done (had done) lots of them.  There are 3 major fault zones crossing Ontario.  In a reflection survey, each one looks exactly the same.  There is the hanging wall, and massive rock damage above it.  But they didn't do a survey for the low level Bruce Black Hole, and they won't do one for this, because it would impact the Bruce site.

They will just drill, and they will find horrible rock.  Then they will find one little piece that looks good and narrow all the scopes on it.  Narrow scopes are fine way to do New Science, like carbon warming.  You can win any debate with that.  :)

So, now there are two:  Bruce Low Black Hole, and Bruce High Black Hole.

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