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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Aftershocks start to define the Jamaica earthquake

Jamaica-mann, looks to be saved as the fault rupture went west to the Cayman islands.  We expect the aftershocks to fill in between the two that just happened.

The big one is always located at the initiation of the rupture.  In terms of peak ground velocity, we expect 10 times the average at the mouth of the shotgun.  Cayman Islands is totally modern, but built on sand.  This is the hypothesis - Cayman Islands are shattered because of the lack of physics in earthquake engineering.  Pass = destruction.  Fail = the buildings are all okay.  Estimated PGV at 50 cm/s.  Anything resembling Toronto condos will be tilted.

Jamaica and Cuba get less than 20 cm/s.  Really old stuff will fall.

ps.  now there is an M6 at the stop point.

If the Cayman is on the soft side of the fault, then we have 80 cm/s pgv.  It could be lucky and only get 20 if it is on the hard side.  There are no accelerometers there.

ps NOTHING HAS HAPPENED.  It appears that this was a very 'soft' earthquake with very low pgv.  That basically means that both sides of the fault did not have a high velocity, and the earthquake just put out very low frequencies.  Felt in highrises in Miami.

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