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Friday, May 31, 2019

Blackfly City at Cottage

Wow, this is going back to my childhood.  Zillions of hungry blackflies, all trying to eat you.  No dragonflies yet.  I saw two on the way up.  You try to do anything with the nets on and you sweat to death.

All do the dragonfly dance.  Come to us, our valient air force.  :)

ps Sat is still horrible.

pps.  right out of a horror movie.  Every type of biting bug there is,  including mozzies and no-seeums.  Your net doesn't save you, they get in, like going underwater.  We came back early.  This will be another ice age thing, and probably the latest for dragonflies in 40 years.  :)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Vibrating Catalysts


In keeping with my new theme of 'pleasant dinner conversation' I present this most significant science article.  99% of these articles are druck, like battery improvements that never come.  But this is physics, and is real simple.  Just vibrate the catalyst.  I expect to see this in production soon.

Now that the Chinese Soup Nazis are withholding rare earths, I can see us going full speed to methanol fuel cells, and the only thing stopping that is the efficiency and speed of the catalyst.  In our new cold world we need this.

ps.  I'm not even looking at all my climate-physics sources now.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Very long nuclear waste article


It's a nice long article that you should read.  Don't forget that anybody in this has something to push.  The point is that 2 deep disposals are needed, and does it make sense to build two?  This is where I lost it, because the normal thing would be to just push the Bruce Black Hole Thingy.

Now, it's worse to point out basic physics to these guys, than the warmies.  truds is pushing warm stuff but seems to hate this nuke stuff.  He has iced the bruce black hole forever.

So, it's quite exciting that they go against physics and geology with this black hole.  However, it will go ahead, and then we'll have some fun.  The memory of the Niagara tunnel to nowhere will fade with this.  :)

It is quite interesting that I had a lot of hours in the old company devoted to analysing this stuff.  Then they broke up into a separate group run by stalinists with their eye on the prize.  Such a Grand Stupidity. 

China, the rare earth nazi



Did you know that every fun thing that the warmies had us spend our food money on, involved rare earths?  Big electric motors for windmills and tessies, lithium batteries, solar cells.  It's much worse when the batteries are huge, like for electrical storage.

Canada, being in the bad books, will be the first to be hit.  Then the US.  Tessie will go down.  We have some rare earths, but it's worse than mining asbestos.  See that guy in the picture?  He smokes ten packs a day of Chinese cigarettes, so it doesn't matter for him.

We can always grind up solar cells and windmills...

Gardening in Canada for the next 300 years

Anybody who doesn't think we are entering a major ice age cycle, wouldn't read this anyway.

This is now our life.  The peas are fine, but beans and tomatoes need some extra love.

As a minimum, buy lots of the row cover from Amazon.  Who knows if it is enough, but it raises soil temperature a few degrees if we ever get sun.  The next step is a poly tunnel or plastic frame.

Next year we may have to go to a full greenhouse with lights and a heater, and that's just for the summer!

But for now, you take all this stuff off in July.  Don't bother putting it back in August, no sun.

ps.  if you don't want this future, like Penny, clap your hands and say:  "I believe in warmies."

This source has frozen on the ice age

The rapid fall to the major ice age has frozen me.  I feel I'm caught between the Liberal Arts Majors and the Willful Ignorant who reject all science.  As such, I am going fishing and will enjoy my July at the cottage.

All my predictions are gloomy:

Natural gas in the eastern US has to go up when everybody freezes.  Perhaps Oklahoma earthquakes start up again.

Northern hemisphere temperatures will continue to plummet at an alarming rate.

Toronto housing will hit 50%.

And so on.  It's all horrible, and I'm getting out of the business of prediction, based on physics.  Just pleasant dinner conversation from now on.  Bye.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Winter in June -- Sad news on ocean currents May 27, 2019

You don't have to believe me, but in 2016, the ocean currents and temperature maps were a complete flip from what we see today.  Somebody who likes to work could use the 'Wayback' machine, and make a movie.  Not me, I don't want to convince anybody.

I'm just including this video for fun, but it shows an increasing current to the South.  What's more important are the temperature maps.  If we could get a vector of temps with depth, then we could calculate heat energy, but that's too much physics.

The big change is here.

Oh my friggin god, people.  This is significant.  Like the Guardian, I'm up my shrilling.  They are going up to 'climate crisis', I am saying Major Ice Age.  *

Ah!  Look at the Pacific.  All the heat is going down the toilet.  Drake needs a new shirt:  "We the Cold North'.

Warmie Survival Report:  You're doing well with getting uber-shrill.  I saw two articles, one was how the wind is driving ocean currents, the other was plotting temperature trends on the globe and completely ignored that it was non-uniform.  This is the good stuff that will allow you to hold onto the trudeau-set for another year.  You can move on to 'The climate crisis includes freezing.'  Make a story that carbon is changing the winds and driving ocean currents.

*I had proposed two ocean cycles - 20 and 300 years.  The last 20 years saw the peak of both of them.  I was thinking the 20 year was just the Pacific and El Nino cycles.  The 300 year was both oceans.  This is a 2-ocean alarm.  blah.

ps.  the UK is getting one day of warmth and proclaiming a heat wave.  I like their attitude.  The tropical plumes have no strength, and I can see the northern blasts are getting ready to hit the UK and Toronto.

pps.  Once again, I state that I have no desire to convince anybody who didn't take math in high school.  So what if that's, like, leaves 10 people in the world.  :)

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Ocean breezes are muddled

All our weather comes from the ocean plumes.  Otherwise, we have stagnant-air default weather, like deserts.  Very hot or very cold.

I haven't mentioned these plumes for a long time because I can't get a thing out of them.  They are stationary and muddled.  For some reason, in Toronto, we are getting a continuous weak plume from the Gulf of Mexico.  This is giving us our alternate sunny days at 24C, and lots of rain.  There is no warmth coming from the Pacific, so most of the country has default desert weather.

The ocean temperatures continue to show heat flowing to the Southern Hemisphere.  The Arctic ice is back to a normal curve.  Still, lots of pack ice for polar bears.

The Russians are hoping for year-round ports with the warmie prediction of no more Arctic ice.  Ha!

ps.  the ice volume was knocked down this year because of a significant El Nino.  Not going to happen every year.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Vancouver housing haircut is now 50%, Toronto next


People will hold on at low interest rates if they think there will be a dead-cat bounce.  If bitcoin did it, why not?  They will cut their losses if there is no hope.

Vancouver had 4 billion in laundry tabs.  Toronto is most likely 10 billion or more.  And Toronto is always running 6 months to a year behind Van.  A huge number of luxury condos and monster houses are empty, and were very popular with the cleaning crews.  I predicted 50% a long time ago, and I'm still going with it, but it's taking a lot longer.  That makes the 'prediction' useless for money purposes.

So, the lesson is that you should be happy with a 20% haircut, if you can get out of the market now.

ps.  there will be no big investigation on coin cleaning, since Toronto lives on that stuff.

Medical Mycelium 2

Phase 2 of the Medical Mycelium Experiment.  This was a kit from Canada given to me by my son.  It's bit more difficult than making your own wine.  MM is used for trauma and for old guys.  I thought, hey I'm an old guy, so I went for it.

Phase 1 has to be done outdoors with a big Italian tomato sauce pot and Italian burner.  I found mine in the shed, we used to do a lot of canning.  You have to boil 3/4 water and then put in the burlap sack full of straw.  You boil for hours to sterilize it.  The big problem, like wine, is getting rogue critters growing in the medium.

Then you take the stuff you stored in the fridge and mix it in.  This is dormant mycelium.  You put in in the now-empty growhouse thing and put on a heater.  It needs 12 days of warmth and dark.  Then it should be all white, and you go on to phase 3.

For legal purposes I shall say, like I did for cannabis, that there is no chance of taking this to completion.  If that lottery win does happen, then you take very small amounts for a nice 'religious' experience.  Wish me luck!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Warmies accused of back-fitting


Say it ain't so, Joe.  

It’s a compelling portrait, but it could have been substantially different if the team had used other, equally justifiable assumptions about the climate impact of aerosols, Booth says. Trenberth thinks the team’s adjustments had the effect of fitting the model to an uncertain record. “There is considerable wiggle room in just what the actual record is,” he says.

What is surprising, is the accusation of back-fitting, which is my accusation for the whole thing.

Note for Warmie Survival:  This is exactly sort of thing needed for your survival when everybody is freezing.  Hit hard in July, secure your funding.  Always use a different data set when dissing alternatives, than used for justifying the carbon hypothesis in the first place.

ps.  back-fitting was the greatest game for all the guys in our department.  The first analysis would show something failed.  But, with approval for more money, bigger computers, phony overtime, the problem would go away.

pps.  a 'hard back-fit' was done at the old place when the computer programs weren't spitting out the right results.  We won't talk about that.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Greenhouse woes

So, every other day we get huge windstorms from the east or west.  My greenhouse frame is in the lower position, but still gets whapped.  So far, we haven't had any sun to to make the soil warmer.  All in all, a total waste for anything.

This means we'll never grow decent tomatoes in Toronto again.  I'll just plant turnips like they do in northern Labrador.  Beets are good, as well, like in Russia.  If I can just get that dastardly wabbit!

Saving NASA

Dear nasa,  I consider you the primary mover for ozone and greenhouse gases.  Without you, nobody would have known about these things.  I especially liked what you did to those guys who did an experiment and saw that the reaction rate for ozone destruction was factors of 10 below that needed, when tested in realistic conditions.

Moving on, you made sure that nobody did any experiments when you declared the 'greenhouse gas' story.  After all, your PR people approved it, since it sounded totally reasonable.  Any balloon packages had to point their lasers up and not down.  Why flog a dead horse?

Sorry about those guys who let slip that the Greenland glaciers were growing again.  How did they get past the PR department?

Now you may have a problem that everybody can feel the cold, and no experiments necessary.  This could lead to a 'Loss of Faith' in the nasa religion.  Don't let this get you down, and rise to the occasion.  The best plan is 'distraction' as used by trumpy.  In your case, go on and on about Mars and the Moon, even though you can't fire a rocket through a paper bag.

If somebody actually risks the Spanish Inquisition and goes with the Ice Age story, you can deny anything to do with the trillions of dollars wasted.  Say "Not my job.".  That's good!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ocean current report May 21, 2019

So, you are all saying -- Surely to goodness, it must get warmer!  Like I've said, we'll get our stagnant air July, but everything else will be colder and colder.  I remember 20 years ago when warmies made bets that next year would be hotter.  They always won, and drove the doubters into the dirt.  Who'd believe that two cycles would combine?  Who would believe bitcoin?

Yet, I could make the opposite bet now.  Next year will be colder.  But I have physics, and the above picture shows the 'Anti Gulf Stream' going higher and getting stronger.  That didn't even exist two years ago!  Yet here it is, the Flug Stream, or maybe somebody has a better name.

So, all you warmies, hold on until July, then you can say "Warmest July Ever!" **  You can keep going for another year.  After a few more frozen years, and all the ice advancing, maybe you won't get any more money.  But, party like it's 1999!

** no ocean breeze means no rain and totally stagnant air under the full July sun.  I finally got my air conditioner fixed by getting a totally new one.  Damn nasa forced out freon and gave us this 400 psi crap so that one micro crack destroys the whole system.

ps.  so, this is good for you warmies, it'll keep you going for June.  Also, I was reading that winds cause ocean currents.  That's good as well.  Stories always triumph over physics.  :)

pps.  my new campaign is Warmie Survival.  Sooner or later the people will rise up with pitchforks and carbon-emitting torches and storm the castles.  I am not encouraging this, since these people are fine English Majors who gave up math in Grade 11.  So, warmies make hay while the July sun shines and secure your funding for the year.  Come up with more trillion-dollar schemes.  Everybody loved your last trillion dollars of economic activity.  Ground-up solar cells can be used to pave roads.  :)

Linux -- Snappier performance with 5.2 kernel

That's the nice thing about Linux, it takes a year or two, but they know how to get a processor working.  My Ryzen 5 with the built-in graphics has become much snappier with 5.2 rc1.  Personally, I'm just glad it is working, but I'll take the greater performance.

Arctic ice volume changes slope

Just when we thought it was safe to come out and plant the tomatoes, the Arctic ice volume curve is inflecting.  It should be concave, going down, but it is ski jumping.  Poor Penny on the highlands.

The poor UK has mixed forecasts.

I'm going with cold for them.


pps.  good for the Lake Trout, they were evolved for an ice age.

more:  Wed was so cold, I thought there was snow.  Here's the forecast for future summers:  "Second verse, same as the first, a little bit colder and a little bit worse."

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The long weekend

Nice fish. Blackflies are light.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Linux -- Ditch Intel


Yes, this is patched, but it cuts down on performance.  If you use win, then you don't care about performance and I don't even think this security thing can get through the other security things.

I've been using amd ever since I was putting together computers.  But I'm not preaching...

Snow in the East, nice video


The video isn't bad, but they put too much on the Sun.  But they did mention ocean cycles at the very end, in a very small voice.  They raise the point of flat temperatures.

I wish they were called Friends of Physics, but we can't have everything.  But the whole debate is becoming extreme.  The Washington Post cherry-picks one warm Arctic temperature for one day because of a plume.  The German Nazis pick on the little girl.

We can only wait and get colder.  Eventually, people will say 'What the heck?' and we'll get some physics.  :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Growing Medical Mycelium

This is the next big thing to legalize, after Coca leaves.  It is already legal in Denver, and is being used in palliative care.  This stuff or morphine, I don't care, just give me the button for the dose.  :)

You would know it by some other name that I won't mention, for fear of right-wing search engines, but if Mr. Doug wants to make money, then he's got to go into all of this.

As I used to say about cannabis a few years ago, I've got this friend who got a kit for making this stuff.  It looks like a heck of a lot of work.  You have to sterilize everything, etc.  Right now I see very little chance of success, but I'll give it a try.  -- whoops, my friend will give it a try.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Climate Change Mitigation

All those Quebec students got upset at this notion.  Why do we have to do anything?  Blah.

But my mitigation is for the ice age.  No heat is coming from the equator to warm us.  We are on our own.  Warmies can have their protests out in the freezing cold.

As an engineer, we have to mitigate for freezing cold.  We had our fun during the warming cycle, but now we may be back to the early 1800's.  I hope it is only back to the 70's but that is very optimistic.  We are crashing through a cold floor.

Our northern communities will be greatly affected.  I was just reading how nfl is mired in debt and big spending.  They have to do something to remain lively for young people.  All of St. Johns should go underground like northern Sweden.  It's the only hope.

In Ontario, we have wasted billions being good lefties.  What are we going to do now?  In the new perpetual gloom, our solar cells and wind mills will rust.  We need new nuclear.  Unfortunately, our nuclear cult is in the hands of idiots.  I'm pretty sure we can say that the Darlington refurb won't work, although they will deny it until the day they have to turn it on.

I have proposed many times that we need a new nuclear centre in Wesleyville, connected to Toronto by a high-speed train.  We can get some brains there.  We need new nuclear plants and new ideas.  Otherwise, freeze in the dark.

Ontario needs to push growing coca leaves under glass and lights.  Think of the money!  But there will be no political will until everybody is starving and freezing.  The lefties will demand more healthcare and education.  No money.

Anyway, I'm retired and can stay warm burning leftie leaflets.  :)

ps.  all the news is now on carbon dioxide levels alone.  I suspect they will just move on to that.

Dance recital

In this weather, I bagged my homemade wine and processed videos.  You can't put dance recitals on utube because they are always flagged, but you can here.

ps.  100mb limit, so the long ones had to be compressed.  I also used Linux stabilize on them, since I'm always rocking with the music.  :)

pps. another one

Sunday, May 12, 2019

How to live with no warmth

The Grand Oscillation is upon us.  That's when the oceans decide to shift all the heat to the Southern Hemisphere, instead of us.  Although you think it is cold now, wait until next year.  Colder and colder is our future.

Some of us have lived through this in the 70's.  We didn't die.  In our family The Girl said it was colder here than in the Ukraine.  That's her memory for the last 20 years.  Ha!  It's no so warm there now.  Some other young people have said "How can we live in such a cold country?  Let's go to California."  They don't want you!

So, what to do, what to do...   This is merely a shift in latitude.  We, in Toronto, will be more like Northern Sweden, and they will be the north pole.  Plant everything in poly tunnels.

Have nice indoor hobbies, like growing magic mushrooms.  Use blue light to wake up in the morning.  Use grow lights for your cannabis.  Laugh at people worried about carbon dioxide.  We can survive this.

ps.  Our El Nino is truly over.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Monthly global temperatures - massive heat transfer to the Southern Hemisphere

Yeah, the monthly satellite temperatures are in.  These were loved by the warmies when the temps were rising, but now they are ignored.  However, good news for the warmies, and they can put this chart on the Guardian again -- Global Temperatures Are Up!

We have global warming again!  But wait, why does it feel so cold?  Is there a problem here?

Yes, the northern mid-latitudes (us suckers) are down, and it's Spring!

The Southern Mids are way up, and they are going into winter.

As the ocean currents show, they are stealing our heat!  The North Pole is dropping, but that's because it had so much heat earlier.

So, we now have our reason for Major Ice Advances, and the various ice age cycles, like what we are going into right now.  All the heat takes a vacation down South.  Our heat flow sloshes up and down like a drunken sailor.

ps.  Yeah, we actually get to live Game of Thrones!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Raspberry Pi tv hat is a paper-weight in North America

I saw that Digi-key carried it, and it must work in North America.  Nope.  And the effort and cost required to return it isn't worth it.

I just wanted to take the dtv signals from the upstairs antenna and watch them downstairs.  I'm trying something new, more expensive, but it's Amazon.


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Climate Change -- Meet Physics

I'm celebrating a new reader, the guy who is replacing my lemon air conditioner.  I'm ripping the whole thing out, most likely the old installers followed the old procedures.  By never mind my sorrows, let's do a physics recap for him.

We've have an extraordinary rise in global temperatures in the last 20 years.  The warming was driven by being at the peak of two ocean cycles - the 300-600 cycle that gave us the 1700's Little Ice Age, and the 1200's Medieval Warming Cycle.  There was also the 20-40 year cycle that gave us the 70's.  Our current warming cycle was nothing compared to that of the Medieval, as confirmed by crop records.  The warmies threw all that stuff out.

In fact, the whole warmie thing has been a masterful stroke of spurious correlation and cherry-picking facts.  Using these methods you can convince people of anything.  

 If you use physics, then you realize that there are big things and little things.  The little things cannot influence the big things.  You can have huge earthquakes and a small amount of earth tide force.  Lots of people have said that the tides cause earthquakes but they are forgetting the huge disturbances in the earth, all the time.  The tail does not wag the dog.

When they came up with carbon dioxide, they excluded the big things.  They just put up carbon on a debate castle and knocked down any other explanation, even though carbon suffered the same defects as anything else.  Nobody knows what causes temperature fluctuations, because nobody investigates it.

And that's the big issue.  They just pronounced carbon, just as they pronounced freon destroys ozone, and then did nothing about it.  The debate was settled, they declared it as 'truth'.

If the world wants to go back to Aristotle, then I'm not stopping it.  It's just that there are huge consequences of ignoring physics.  We see it all the time, and we'll see a lot more. 

The Shattered Sewer


Dear Mayor, this has been a horrible botch-up from the start.  The installation of the water main cracked my big clay sewer pipe, but didn't open.  They had closed up for a week before there was trouble.  Then came the big rain at Easter.  The silt and gravel in the sewer slid and blocked up the flow.  That got my poor neighbour but they could easily see backflow down the manhole.  My sewer has also gone to very top.

They flushed the sewer a bit and cleared it for next door.  Mine was never fixed.  The extra pressure from the blockage shattered the sewer.  It was huge break.  I had weeks of fighting with the city because I didn't want to dig up my cleanout in the downstairs living room.  I finally did today.

The city came and put in the camera and it got stuck.  They couldn't see anything but located the break right under the new watermain.  Then the water main people came and fixed it.

So, beware that the installation of a new watermain may crack your sewer pipe.  I still think they main sewer is silted up, but they'll take their sweet time on it.

Ocean current news - May 6, 2019

In the news today, the Atlantic belt has opened up a complete coherent channel of heat to the south.  This has never happened before since modern observation began, which isn't that long ago.

This channel is now carrying more heat than the nearly-dead Gulf Stream.

This ensures a cold May and June, but a super-hot July as we had in the 50's.

In other news, Toronto housing is showing a fine dead-cat bounce.

The sales around our place are all old people taking the 20% haircut.

Further news shows the Arctic ice finally melting.

Meanwhile, our street's main sewer is blocked with stones.  :(

ps.  my sewer was fixed!

Monday, May 6, 2019

Powerful El Ninos caused by carbon warming


Yes, that's right.  A phenomenon that has a thousand times the energy of anything atmospheric has come up like gangbusters in the last 30 years.  Their 400 year history is smack into the beginning of the Little Ice Age, and does not get into the Medieval Warming Period.

However, really, there is only 1997 and 2016 that were huge and many times the size of the last 400 years, according to this.  Never any mention of resolution.  Oh well.

** this is satire, just to catch the warmie's attention.  They will truly believe this.  A big El Nino throws up the world temps like a rocket.  But let's just not say anything...

ps.  this is an example of the many Principles of Physics that the warmies ignore.  Mainly, that if a major process is orders of magnitude bigger than a minor process, then the minor process is swamped and has no effect.  Tail wagging the dog.  For earthquakes and volcanoes, this means that jumping up and down does nothing.  The carbon effect is swamped by many things.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Our winter in review

Yeah, officially Summer (or maybe Spring) is here because the Arctic ice volume is finally turning down.

We won't hit last year, because, surprise, this winter was warmer than the last.  We had a small El Nino in December.  This made our number of Degree Days higher than last year, and is the main reason that natural gas tanked.  Now, storage is way up, and there's no hope for Oklahoma earthquakes this year.  We can only hope for next year.  *

With ocean currents, the only interesting thing is the strength of the Arctic current coming down from Greenland.

This current made its appearance right after the big 2016-7 El Nino collapsed.  You would think it would be seasonal, but it pumps strong all year.  I have to conclude it is a constricted outlet.  As well, I don't see an inlet, but the current maps don't work in the Arctic.

The warmies were fooled by the overlay of the peaks for both major ocean cycles.  That means our plunge will be something fearsome to behold.  All the press is still going on about the Arctic melting, from field studies taken 5 years ago.  Oh well.

*I've tied those earthquakes to fresh water natgas fracking.

ha ha.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

UK to be Alberta

I get this question a lot:  Why, Mr. Fish, do you pick on the UK so much?  I pick on them because English Arts Majors were the driving force of the whole carbon thing.  It is appropriate that they freeze more than anyone, except maybe Alberta, because they are boring.  :)

Last time I said that Alberta was paying the price to melt the Arctic ice, while we happy Sixes basked in warm Gulf air.  However, this week, the plume winds have reversed and the UK gets the exhaust from Arctic melting.  The Arctic has warmed up to -16C, and the ice starts to suck up huge amounts of heat energy. 

So you can see the plume air is going up Hudson Bay and swooping down on the UK.  Going over the ice probably knocks down the air temp by 10C.  Neat. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Happy May Day!

Ah, but it's wonderful.  My sewer standpipe is down, and it's cold outside.

Arctic temperatures have finally reached the tipping point of -20C.  The Arctic ice volume should be turning like every other year, yet it is not.

The ice volume continues to rise.  Had this been an Actual Ice Advance Emergency, we would see that rising line continue straight forever.  However, I'm sure it will go down eventually.

Some of us have warmth in the forecast, so this weekend I am doing the final rise on the greenhouse and planting the tomatoes.

Unfortunately, most of Canada has winter coming down on them, but somebody has to help the Arctic melt.  Sucks to be you, Canada.  We have the Gulf of Mexico.

And we must give a cheer to the UK.

I love those guys!

ps.  all the little kids dancing around the maypole, having snowball fights....