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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Cold Until April - Warm Plumes Repelled at Border

Now that we know ocean currents controlled the latest big post-glacial climate episodes, we can finally talk about the cold at "Where's Spring?" parties *.  Party favours include ice spikes for boots, gloves, and hats.  Frozen vodka martinis only.

Two weak Pacific plumes bounced off the North American border.  That means, good old NA doesn't want any warmth yet.  It wants to fully shatter the Warmie Manifesto.  I'm very sorry having to report this, since I really want to start digging in the garden.

* Next week there is a giant flashmob selfie party in Toronto.  Lots of happy snowmen dancing.

ps.  I won't go because it'll be too cold.  Great signs are being made:

Carbon-Schmarbon, I'm Cold!
Global Temperatures Down -- What's UP with that?
Ocean Currents Rule!
What do school-kids know?
Throw another warmie on the fire.
Cover up, Justin, it's freezing!

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