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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Request for Apple Heating contact info

OMG, these people won't give me their fax number or courier address under my name, because I've been after them.  They are shutting me out from legal recourse.

Link only to a post office box

It is suggested in the formal documentation to use social media to get their contact information.  Calling all apprentice hackers.  Could you use your Social Engineering skills to get their fax number and courier address?  You'll have to tell them that you want to send a birthday cake.  Or be the City and tell them you are faxing a tax overcharge.

First note:  Boiler plate on the consumer act.

Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Consumer Protection Branch 77 Wellesley Street West PO Box 450 Toronto, ON M7A 2J6
elephone: 416-326-8800 Facsimile: 416-326-8665
Consumer Complaint
You are receiving this notice because a customer has a complaint about your business and believes you have contravened the Consumer Protection Act, 2002.
At this time, the Ministry of Consumer Services has not initiated a formal investigation into the complaint.
The ministry’s Consumer Protection Branch administers and enforces a number of consumer protection laws to ensure that businesses act fairly and ethically.
Our policy is that consumers who have a complaint should first seek to resolve the problem by writing to the business. A letter from your customer is attached.
• Next steps:
Our aim is to ensure that consumers and businesses have information about their rights and obligations that is clear and easy to understand. Please take a moment to consider the details of the letter. You may also wish to review your obligations under the Consumer Protection Act. Your efforts to resolve the matter may avoid the need for us to become involved.
If you have not responded to the consumer, addressing the concerns in their attached letter within three weeks, the consumer may file a formal complaint about your business. If the issue falls under the Consumer Protection Act, the ministry may help mediate a solution. If we are unable to do so or your business is found to be in breach of the act, we may take enforcement action against you or your business.
• Penalties and other options:
Where an investigation finds a violation of the law, charges may be laid. Successful prosecution may result in fines of up to $50,000 for an individual or imprisonment for not more than two years less a day, or both. A company may be liable to a fine of up to $250,000.
The act requires the ministry to post information about businesses that fail to respond to consumer complaints; actions it has taken against a business; and charges laid and convictions. This information is available to the public on Ontario’s Consumer Beware List at Where information relating to a charge is posted on the public record, the business is not guilty of an offence unless a court of law has so determined.
You are welcome to contact our office, toll free at 1-800-889-9768 or at (416) 326-8800 for more information about the Consumer Protection Act and your responsibility to consumers.

My letter:

Harold Asmis

Sept. 19, 2018

Apple Heating and Air Conditioning
P.O BOX 286
Station A
Toronto, ON
M6J 3P4

Dear Sir:

In the fall of 2016 I purchased a full central air conditioning system from your company.  Your staff came in person to install it, and it worked correctly at the time.

It was not used again in 2016, but in 2017 it had many problems.  I paid for annual service, and the fluid was topped up an unknown amount.  It was freezing the coils, and I had several service calls.  However, 2017 was a very cold summer and it got little use.  I did not know what was wrong at the time.

For the start of the 2018 season, the system refused to work at all.  The compressor made a grating sound, and there was no cooling.  A service man came and said he would have to call a supervisor.  The supervisor came and said there was no fluid in the system.  He spent many hours trying to identify the leak, whether it was in the compressor or the evaporator.  He could not identify the leaks, but ended up replacing the Shrader valves, just in case.

The 2018 season was very hot, and by August the unit started to freeze at 74 deg F.  I now knew that H410a cannot freeze if it is at full pressure.  By the middle of September the unit was freezing at any temperature, thus indicating it was once again out of fluid.

Since the unit leaks 4 pounds of fluid a season, I am expecting a full replacement of the entire system.  It is an environmental hazard, since h410a contributes to global warming.

I look forward to your immediate reply.  You can contact me at 1234 or email at xxx.

Yours truly,

Harold Asmis, P. Eng. (ret)

ps.  On Monday, I'll go back to the gov't and say they have no real presence.  

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