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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Weak El Nino event is happening now

Darn, if it isn't actually happening, according to legal definition.  You can see that there is a source in the West Pacific, and it's spilling over the top right to Central America.  However, just the week before we had a total 'circular' circulation, and I can't imagine there's much energy in this.

My definition of a true El Nino is global impact, and a bump in the global temperatures.  I'll make a big 'walk back' if that happens, since I am convinced that the last one drained everything.  If there had been significant heat energy, then the North Pacific current would have started again.  Anyway, don't listen to me.  :)

We may get a bunch of these 'shudderings' as the Pacific current goes into convulsions.  And the UK is freezing right now!  Good for them.

ps.  El Nino events should have a magnitude scale based on total heat energy.  The last one was an M9, and this is maybe an M5. 

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