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Monday, December 12, 2016

End of social-media war with Amazon

I call an end to my tempest in a teacup.  Ammie has proven itself to be a true Putinista, immune to any outside influence.  I have a friend who programs for them in Seattle, probably bots, so I love them all.

Merry Christmas to all, and as long as I get cheap stuff delivered immediately, I'll love you forever.  :)  I'm glad you have finally figured out the way to do business in Canada.

I'm probably losing my touch.  I've only had a few great wars, but most of them have fizzled out.  But Hope Springs Eternal.  :)  I refuse to use fake news on FB.  Now that's a weapon that actually gets people killed.

**Now, back to my Christmas Sabbatical.  :)

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