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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

More earthquake muck from Oklahoma


I can't make this stuff up!  This has all the makings of a great movie:  'Quake Jaws'.

Seismologists have humour:

“I have been asked to have ‘coffee’ with President Boren and Harold Hamm Wednesday,” states an email Holland wrote to a coworker on Nov. 18, 2013.
“Gosh. I guess that’s better than having Kool Aid with them … I guess,” the co-worker replied.

I honestly think they did drink the Kool-Aid, perhaps only a little sip.  :)

Update:  More detail here.  And another great quote.

"Myself and a few other geologists that know of the Hunton dewatering oil operations in the affected areas and subsequent re-injection into the Arbuckle [are] the culprit," wrote Andrews, who is now the interim director of OGS. "I am dismayed at our seismic people about this issue and believe they couldn't track a bunny through fresh snow!"

Update2:  Newsweek now carrying this.  Soon it will reputable places like Wash Post, and Times.  :)

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